The culture of the practice is very much one of active learning. Within the Residential Sector in particular we see it as not only essential to stay abreast of current policy but also to be able to anticipate future change.
Training is coordinated by the practice’s in-house Training/CPD Officer. An annual budget and time allocation is set each year for each member of the practice. Of this one full day is set aside for formal IT training to ensure that everyone is up to speed with the software they are using. Thereafter the training needs are identified and answered in the following ways:
Project/Sector Related Training
Relevant training is proposed/discussed and disseminated through weekly meetings held by in-house teams, Director in charge.
In-House Seminar Series
To ensure that we are up to speed in all the areas of work we undertake within the practice and that we conform to the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) requirement for continuing practical development (CPD), we run a monthly inhouse seminar series. This is responsive to current training needs of the office and covers a wide range of areas. In addition conferences, lectures and seminars are attended on an individual/team basis, the subject matter of which being dependent on the nature and stage of work being undertaken.
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